Info: New entries for this event closed on Thursday 25th August 2022.
Entry Fee | £15.00 |
Ochil 2000s
Race Details: 33km with 1770m climb (AL)
Course Details:
Start at Glen Sherrup car park and follow the marked route to the summit of Innerdownie, from there you need to visit the checkpoint on summit of the following hills:
Whitewisp Hill
Tarmangie Hill
Kings Seat Hill
Andrew Gannel Hill
The Law
Ben Cleuch
Ben Buck
Ben Ever
Blairdennon Hill
Colsnaur Hill
Plus there is an additional checkpoint at Menstrie before the climb up Dumyat.
Car parking is available at Stirling University.
Toilet and changing facilities will be available at the Stirling University sports centre.
Registration will start at 9:00 in a tent near the first road junction after the main University entrance. (Same place a Dumyat Hill Race starts). A bus will take everyone to the start at the Glensherup Car Park in Glen Devon . If you want to register at the start (after 11:15) please contact race organiser.
Start: 12:00 Glen Sherrup car park, Glen Devon.
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