Info: New entries for this event closed on Sunday 4th December 2022 at 10:30.
This Regional event offers colour coded courses for all standards of orienteer from experts to novices. We recommend that first time orienteers are accompanied by a family member or someone in their support bubble.
Field and roadside parking, but with a road crossing to access toilets and/or the competition area. Take care, especially with children, and obey marshals' instructions.
Hurstwood South is mostly open fell with many brown, black and blue features, plus a scattering of natural woodland. The area includes the unusual area of Shedden Clough hushings, testament to earlier mineral extraction, which are a tricky maze of gullies and spoil tips. Part of the terrain is high and exposed, so dress according to the weather conditions.
WHISTLES and WATERPROOF JACKETS are MANDATORY and must be worn or carried. To cope with wind, rain/snow and cold, carrying hats, gloves, additional thermal layers and waterproof trousers may also be necessary. Be prepared!
This event is pre-entry and pre-pay only, via SIEntries. Entries up to and including 4th December (race day) at 10:30 (first start time) will be at the late entry rate, but only up to the number of spare maps available. Cash EOD entries cannot be accepted.
Further event details can be found on the PFO event webpage.PFO event webpage
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