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North Barrule

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Tuesday 18th June 2024

Entries Open
Friday 9th February 2024
Entries Close
Monday 17th June 2024 at 18:00
Entries So Far
113 Participants
Entry Fees
Full   £6.00   
Short   £6.00   

Junior (U18)  Free

Chris Kirk

Distance - 4.5km 

There is a separate flagged course for juniors and short course entrants. See description below.

Ascent - 370m

Category - A/short

Start - Field through kissgate at GR455914. (Lower end of Hibernia Road.) Parking and sign on at Richard's field, Ballagilley Farm, lower down the road - look out for the waterwheel.

Juniors: follow flags: route goes from the start to Dreemlang kissgate, on main path to summit trig point, continue to stile and safety check point. Return to trig point and descend the reverse route to the finish.

Start time is 19:00 with registration for number collection from 18:00 until 18:45

The race is a counter for the Callin Wild Manx Fell Running league. 

Senior Race Route -  Follow the flags (out only) to the Dreemlang kissgate, before starting the climb to the "3 legs" on the north side. (Note flags beyond Dreemlang are for juniors / short only). Continue to the stile on the ridge path, before contouring anticlockwise to the flagpole at the crash site. Ascend to the summit trig point and then any route to the finish.

Maps available on the MFR website, be sure to use the correct map!!


Please note that the junior / short route is flagged. It is not the same as the senior. In adverse weather the junior race may be cancelled.

Minimum age of entry is 12 years old. (Juniors must be at least 13 years old by the 31st Dec 2024).

Races are held under FRA rules, please read these here . Waterproof whole body cover (with hood and taped seams), hat, gloves, map and compass suitable for navigation, whistle and emergency food are required for runners in the full course race. Short/junior course runners must bring waterproof jacket (not just windproof) and trousers, hat, gloves and whistle. 

The full race is a counter for the Callin Wild Manx Fell Running league. Please note that to be eligible for the league you must join MFR or a suitable IoM athletics club by 18/06/2024, and also cover a marshal slot in 2024.

The short course is a counter for both the Junior league and Senior Short Course series.

Race rules and league eligibility requirements can be found at this link

League fixtures can be found here

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Event Location
North Barrule, Ballagilley Farm