Info: New entries for this event closed on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at 18:30.
Can be done solo, in a pair, or as a team of 3 or more. Each participant needs to put in an individual entry EXCEPT Under 16s running with a paying adult. All Juniors (under 21) running without a paying adult need to put in an individual Junior entry. Waterproof A4 maps of the courses are provided to all paid-for entries
A summer evening event in a Country Park east of Macclesfield. Stunning views
For experienced orienteers there is the opportunity to boost your BOF ranking points on the usual range of colour-coded line courses.
For those newer to map-sport, including those who have enjoyed our recent Spunch events, or for those less-bothered about rankings, then we recommend the 2-part Score, which gives you 2 x 30 minute runs for the price of one! For each of the 2-parts, you will be required to visit as many of the ?? checkpoints as you can in the 30 mins available. Following a brief rest after part 1, you will get a second map with another ?? (different) checkpoints marked. WARNING: You will find part 2 more challenging than part 1! In contrast to the recent Spunch events you may have been to, the checkpoints are closer together so you will visit more and more quickly, the map is more detailed, you can go off-piste and take a more direct route, there will be markers at the checkpoints, and you will use a different electronic punching system (SiCard punching rather than S-punching on MapRun). Also at this event, as there are no traffic hazards, under 16s can go solo - so the kids' chance to show mum/dad how it is done!
Toilets & Registration at the Visitor Centre. Start & Finish are close together ?00m from car park.
Registration from 1700. Start anytime between 1730 and 1900.
More details at
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