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The Six Dales Circuit

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Saturday 9th November 2024

Entries Open
Thursday 1st August 2024
Entries Close
Monday 28th October 2024
Entry Fees
LDWA Member   £10.00   
Non Member   £16.00   
Event Organiser - Alison

The “Original” Clockwise Route

Map:  White Peak OL24  1:25000

Distance:  25 miles (Time limit 10 hours)

Start:  Biggin Village Hall, SK17 0DL.    GR SK155592           

Time:  Registration 07:15 – 08:00; Start by 08:00 but note checkpoint opening / closing times.
            CP1 08:30 – 10:30; CP2 10:00 – 14:00; CP3 11:00 – 15:30.
            Walkers arriving at CP3 after 15:30 will be retired from the event and taken back to HQ.

Entry limit:  200

Includes: Route description - Certificate - Refreshments en route - Meal at finish

Route:  Biggin Dale, Wolfscote Dale, Beresford Dale, Hartington, Monyash, Lathkill Dale, Bradford Dale, Middleton, Long Dale

Equipment:  Waterproofs, Map, Compass, Mug, Whistle, Torch

Please note that all entrants must use the car park provided as directed by event marshals – no parking on roads or verges.

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Event Location
Biggin Village Hall, SK17 0DL