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Great Hucklow Fell Race

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Sunday 6th July 2025

Entries Open
Tuesday 9th July 2024
Entries Close
Friday 4th July 2025
Entry Fees
FRA Member   £8.00   
Non Member   £9.00   
Henry Foxhall
07787 502298

To enter you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

You must report to registration even if you have pre-entered, to collect your race number. This is both for safety and for results

Registration is open 09:30 to 10:30am
The race starts at 11:00am

If you miss the deadline for online entry, we're keeping the old school option of entry on the day, for £9/£10 (non-FRA)

The main race route is around 10km (6 miles) and with about 340m (1000') of ascent. The route is unique, varied and challenging.

The Great Hucklow Fell Race has been running for more years than anyone can accurately remember. Like most village fell races, it is run by the local community. Our route needs a lot of marshals given the character of the land we run over. With registration team, results, refreshments, etc, it takes more than 30 volunteers turning up on the day to make it all work. Each year we contribute hundreds of pounds to good causes from your entry fees. Community members also produce the renowned flapjacks available at the finish.

Route Description 
Do not use the route other than in the race. Much of the route crosses private land and we only have permission for the morning of the race.

Most of the first km is downhill, through the village before taking off down a track. Right off the track and through the water splash to head over some fields and a gentle start to climbing before the first and biggest climb makes itself felt, up to the Abney Moor trig point on Durham Edge (so you get to legally bag a private 'Ethel' on this race). From there it is over Abney Moor with a descent over rough ground to a small reservoir before heading up to the highest point on the Moor. From there a fast descent to the road, a short stretch of tarmac before heading down the renowned hidden clough into Bretton Clough. Another foot wetting guaranteed here. Find your way through the bumps and hillocks of the Clough before climbing out the top end of it toward Abney Grange. Over some fields with a final short climb to a short stretch of tarmac dropping down through the woods to the finish, back at the school. Look out for slippy gravel on steep tarmac as you take the turn from the woodland track onto school lane.

See the website for more details including travel, parking, etc

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