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North East Marathon Club

Membership Website

Wednesday 1st January to Wednesday 31st December 2025

Renewal Period
Tuesday 1st October 2024 to Tuesday 30th September 2025
Memberships So Far
104 Applicants
Membership Fees
Membership Fee   £10.00   

To join you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

When we founded our club in 2010 there had been too few opportunities to run marathons in the North East. Instead members had to travel huge distances and pay out ever increasing amounts, often with little in return, to complete 26.2 miles. Now we have to contend with paying out ever increasing amounts for events in our area. The NEMC intends to rectify this situation by promoting events nearer home via our affiliation to the Association of Running Clubs (ARC). Our philosophy is to organise no frills, no fuss, low cost, scenic marathons for local runners in our local area. Our Club aims to be the focal point for local marathoners to share ideas and experiences, provide mutual support and encouragement as well as provide companionship and cost-sharing for more distant events. It is open to anyone regardless of age or ability and no matter how many marathons they've completed. Newcomers to marathon running are especially welcome.

Membership entitles you to an extra £2 off the affiliated entry cost to our events.

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