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BeerBlazer 10 mile & Fun Run

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Sunday 18th May 2025

Entries Open
Thursday 19th December 2024
Entries Close
Sunday 11th May 2025
10 Mile; Fun Run
Entries So Far
83 Participants
Entry Fees
Attached - 10 Mile £20
Unattached - 10 Mile £22
Fun Run £5

To enter you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

The Beer Blazer first started in 2012 and is still going strong.  The race starts in the fields above Pecorama and finishes at Beer Primary School and is truly 'multi-terrain'.  

The 10mile route pass over some of the famous ‘Grizzly territory’, fields, tracks, cliff tops and open common, the challenging pebble beach between Branscombe and Beer Head, the Undercliffs and the stairway to heaven, all with breath-taking views of the Jurassic Coast.

There is a time cut-off of on the 10mile route of 30 mins at 2.5miles. Runners failing to make this cut-off will be directed back along the beach towards the 'stairway' to complete the route.

On the day there will be a BBQ and Refreshments available at the Primary School. Race HQ has been moved to the Primary School itself at the bottom of the car-park

Registration opens: 8:30am

1 mile Fun run starts:  10:15
10 mile Start: 10.00 

Prizes for 10 mile event: 
1st, 2nd, 3rd Male and Female
1st M40/F40, 1st F50/M50, 1st M60/F60

1st Team

Fun run event:
Race Mementoes for all fun run finishers.


On the day of the races, participants must be 16 years or over for the 10mile Run.

Anyone under the age of 11 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. 

Organised under ARC rules for Multi-Terrain running events. Race permit number:TBC

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Event Location
Beer C of E Primary School, Mare Lane, Seaton, EX12 3NB