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Carnethy Hill Running Club

Membership Facebook Page
Membership Instagram Page
Membership Twitter Feed
Membership Website

Wednesday 1st January to Wednesday 31st December 2025

Renewal Period
Friday 1st November 2024 to Friday 31st October 2025
Memberships so Far
570 Memberships
Membership Fees

Individual membership of the Running Club is £15 if paid by Direct Debit and £18 if paid by Credit / Debit card.

Family Membership of the Running Club (can include up to 5 members living in the same household) is £30 if paid by Direct Debit and £33 if paid by Credit / Debit card.

An additional fee of £7 is payable to join Carnethy Hill Racing Club – see below for more info or visit the club website for full details and how to choose your options.

Dorothy Elliott
07941 689147

To join you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

Carnethy Hill Running Club is a running club for those who love to run in the hills and race in the hills. Its members need not have serious ambitions towards national or international standard competition. Many members are regular competitors; others prefer the non-competitive runs organised by the club; most do both! 

You will get a regular Journal, social events, free entry to all club races and handicaps (apart from the Carnethy 5), a website, a FaceBook group where you can organise/find out about informal runs, sell surplus gear, or just post anything run related. You can compete in all hill races, most other races, and the annual Scottish Hill Running championship series. 

Carnethy Hill Racing Club, the younger sister club, is affiliated to scottishathletics (SAL), the Scottish governing body for national and international competition for hill runners. If you wish to be eligible for the scottishathletics championship race, selection to a national squad, or eligible for public or lottery funding, then under the present scottishathletics Articles, you must be an individual member of scottishathletics and also a member of a scottishathletics affiliated club. Affiliation to scottishathletics allows you to support the promotion and development of athletics in Scotland more widely; including for instance support for our national track & field athletes.

View the Membership Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions.

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