Info: Entries for this event open on Sunday 1st June 2025 at 09:00.
LDWA Member | £10.00 | |
Non Member | £15.00 |
Initially entries are only open to LDWA members and you will need to provide your LDWA membership number to be able to complete your entry. At 10am on 1st September entries will open to all.
Event rules and conditions of entry:
Please ensure that you have read these which are available on the Marlow Donkey Information Page on the Thames Valley LDWA website, prior to entering the event. Assistance dogs only with insurance. Entrants under 18 must have written consent from an adult and be accompanied by them.
The aim is to complete, on foot, a route of either 16 or 25 miles within maximum time periods of 8 or 9.5 hours respectively. There will be another new route this year through the Chilterns, with a figure of eight centred on Lane End.
Thames Valley will provide drinks and snacks at the start, at an outward checkpoint, and a simple meal (daal curry) at the finish. The food provided cannot be guaranteed free from contamination with allergens. This is not because of carelessness on the organiser’s part but because of the practicality of taking over a kitchen within a short time scale.
Timed certificates will be sent by e-mail or via SI Entries to all finishers who request them on registration.
Start From:
Start and finish is at Liston Hall (Marlow Community Association), Marlow, Bucks GR SU850867. What3words : backyards.madder.scope
Start Time:
There is no mass start. You may start anytime between 08:15 and 09:30.
Finish Time:
All entrants to finish by 18:00 pm; the 8 mile checkpoint will have cut off times included in the route description if later than this, you must return on the 16 mile route.
Entry Fee:
LDWA Members (entry from 1 June), 16 or 25 mile route - £10.00.
Non LDWA Members (entry from 1 Sept) , 16 or 25 mile route - £15.00.
No entries on the day, no refunds
Entry Limit
150, No postal or entries on the day. LDWA Members may contact us by email after the closing date to see if there any withdrawals and will be replied to only if a space becomes available.
Car parking for entrants is available nearby in the town’s car parks. One of these, in Liston Rd, is opposite the hall (and Lidl). There is another 100m away at Dean St. Both currently (as at Jan 2025) charge £1.20 per day on Sunday.
We encourage travel by train or bus. Buses from Wycombe or Reading). Marlow Train Station is about 10 mins walk. Please check train times. At the time of writing the first train arrives at 08:50: if this is delayed or for the Reading bus we will make allowance for you. The walk DOES NOT start at the Marlow Donkey pub next to the station.
It is required that each entrant carry a minimum of the following equipment:
In addition your clothing, both worn and carried, should be suitable taking into account the prevailing weather conditions and the forecast for the day.
View the Event Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions.
View the Event Cancellation / Refund Policy.