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Great Flat Lode 10K

Event Website

Sunday 8th May 2022

Entries Open
Tuesday 1st March 2022
Entries Close
Wednesday 30th March 2022
Entry Fees

£13 Affiliated
£15 Non-Affiliated

Event Organisers - Lee Jeffery

The Great Flat Lode 10K Charity Run – 2022 Race will now be the third race on this course for you to enjoy through the centre of the Cornish Mining World Heritage Site. 

This is potentially a fairly fast course, by multi terrain standards, with the only serious hill, a ‘testing’ 200 metre climb after about 8.5km and a couple of gentler uphill section in the first mile.  The route is about 80% off road, although the path along the base of Carn Brea is tarmac (1.5km). 

After a loop around a field within the perimeter of the King Edward Mine Museum (KEMM), which will help lessen the congestion on the first footpath section, the runners leave the KEMM site, turn right and immediately left onto a footpath.  BE AWARE here as the path is quite narrow, a little stony and is at the beginning of the race!  After 400m footpath turns left onto 150m of road, before turning right onto a wider path to Treskillard. Then 200m on road through Treskillard (1 mile) and onto the next path past South Wheal Frances Mine buildings (worth returning for a visit at your leisure), across a minor road and another part of the Great Flat Lode, before a left turn takes the runners 100m down to a 600m road section through Carnkie village.

Runners will be crossed from the right hand side of the road to the left in the village and turned onto a long flat then downhill path (2 miles) around the eastern (Redruth) side of Carn Brea, before (3 miles) a 1.5km flat section along the tarmac path at the base of the Carn into Tregajorran (4 miles).  There will be a Drinks Station half way along this path.

The next junction, where a 400m stretch of road from Tregajorran meets the busier road coming down from Four Lanes (TAKE CARE – this junction will be well marshalled), will then take the runners 800m on road to the top of Brea hill.  Just over 1mile to go now, first a flat path, then across a minor road before you are ‘introduced’ to the only serious hill, steep (200m) at first, then soon becomes less steep, along a flat lane and across another minor road.

The run into the finish is downhill along a stony path (again take care), before turning into the field where you started and the welcome sight of the finish funnel.

The onsite café will be open for much needed refreshment.

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