Info: New entries for this event closed on Wednesday 1st February 2023.
Senior | £9.00 | |
Junior / Student | £5.00 |
The usual range of Galoppen courses will be available from Yellow to Brown for all competitors.
Parking will be along forest roads off Bessy Bank Lane.
Distance to start and climb: 600m and 25m from far end of the linear parking
Distance from finish: 300m (just off the route to the start)
The details are available on the LOC website at ‘Events | Lakeland Orienteering Club (’.
Entries will be taken for the start window between 10.30 and 12.30 using 30 minute slots. The Bethecar Commoners Association have requested that there is a limit on numbers for this event.
View the Event Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions.
View the Event Cancellation / Refund Policy.