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Lyke Wake Challenge

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Saturday 8th July 2023

Entries Open
Saturday 25th February 2023 at 11:00
Entries Close
Sunday 18th June 2023
Entries So Far
62 Participants
Entry Fees

£40 for UK Athletics/TRA Affiliated Entrants
£42 for Unaffiliated Entrants.

Event Organiser - Anthony Corbett

The Quakers Running Club is proud to present the 2023 Lyke Wake Challenge, starting from near Osmotherley (Sheepwash car park, top of Cod Beck reservoir) and finishing in Ravenscar village in the grounds of the Raven Hall Hotel. 

The Challenge is held on a handicap basis based on previous run times over the Lyke Wake route and/or participant’s own estimates. All participants are expected to be fully aware of the classic Lyke Wake route as the route itself is not marked . The maximum time allowed to complete the event is twelve hours (including the handicap). (Start times, which will be advised with entry confirmation, will be somewhere between approx. 04:00 & 10:00). All participants must be 21 or over on the day to meet the requirements of the Trail Running Association Permit.

After the start there will be seven checkpoints along the course, each supplying drinks and most with snacks. One checkpoint, the Lion Inn, which is just before halfway, will supply other food such as rice pudding and/or tinned fruit.  In line with a lot of similar events, in order to reduce waste, we have decided that plastic cups will not be provided at the checkpoints. A drinks container is therefore on the mandatory kit list. (This could be for example a plastic cup, race vest flask or rucksack bladder).

Participants should be aware that parts of the route are severe and remote, especially in extreme weather, and therefore mandatory kit must be carried at all time.

The Mandatory Kit list is as follows :- Suitable Map of the route e.g. OS OL26/27 or Harvey North York Moors (Electronic map is not acceptable), Waterproof Jacket, Whistle, Emergency foil blanket, Minimum 300ml water/isotonic drink, Drink container for checkpoints, Emergency food, Face Covering and a Fully charged mobile phone with emergency number stored (number will be provided before the day).

Further Recommended Kit includes :- Gloves, Hat or Buff, Basic First Aid kit and Suncream.

NOTE: There will be a full kit check at registration on the morning – anyone without all mandatory kit will not be issued their challenge number nor allowed to participate.  No exceptions – this is for your safety.  A further random kit check will take place on the course during the event and if mandatory kit is not being carried, the runner will be disqualified.

During the event if a checkpoint marshal feels a participant is unlikely to be able to finish either safely or within the time limit the participant will be required to retire. A cut-off time will be enforced at Ellerbeck checkpoint (CP6) - this time will be advised near the event date taking into account the likely course conditions and weather forecast.

Entry Fees are £40 for UK Athletics/TRA Attached Entrants, £42 for Unattached Entrants. (The unattached levy going to the TRA). A Trail Running Association Permit will be in place for the event.

From each entry fee a minimum of £2 is donated to both Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team and also Scarborough & Ryedale Mountain Rescue Teams (who will be called upon to provide assistance in an emergency situation). Since QRC took on the event, we have donated almost £5,500 to each rescue team plus over £600 to Ravenscar Village Hall and amounts to other charities, totalling over £13,000 !

Please note that once an entry has been made and you have received your e-mail confirmation, unfortunately **no refunds or deferments will be possible from the event** – however for an additional fee SiEntries offer the option of a cancellation protection service (If interested, please read the terms and conditions of this carefully before adding to your entry to be sure that it meets your requirements - this protection is completely external to Lyke Wake Challenge administration but will be charged for at the same time).

Participant substitutions may be considered until two weeks before challenge day upon request.

Participants must start at the time advised to them on their confirmation e-mail. This time will be re-confirmed in a further information mail sent closer to the date of the event.

A commemorative technical t-shirt will be provided to all finishers and trophies will be presented to the first finisher of each gender, plus the fastest overall time for each gender.

Further information may appear on the relevant page of the Quakers Running Club website and the Lyke Wake Challenge Facebook group - where discussions often appear.

Please remember that the Event Director, Event Organiser, Committee and Marshals are all volunteers, giving their time freely to ensure that this event can take place – so please be courteous and take notice of them !

Due to the course crossing private land with potential animal grazing, unfortunately no dogs are allowed on the event.

**Please note that this event is on a point to point course and we are not able to provide transport to the start or from the finish. There is limited, remote, parking at the start area. It is therefore advisable to consider your transport solutions very carefully before entering.**

Strict Entry Limit - 170

View the Event Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions.

View the Event Cancellation / Refund Policy.

This event offers the option to purchase XCover, so that participants may be able to get a refund if they are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances.

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