Info: New entries for this event closed on Saturday 6th May 2023 at 11:00.
Red / Light Green - Entries after Sunday 30th April £1 extra Timing chip hire (SIAC) £1 extra |
This event is designed primarily for newcomers to orienteering, and for those wanting an opportunity to practise and improve their orienteering skills.
Parking is in the Pay and Display car park at the end of Harbord Road, Oxford, OX2 8LH.
1 to 3 hours: £2.10
3 to 24 hours: £3.10
Coins at machines or by phone using RingGo
Event registration is close to the entrance of Cutteslowe Park coming from the car park.
If you are new to orienteering, look for one of our helpers when you arrive. They will be glad to explain the basics of orienteering to you.
View the Event Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions.
View the Event Cancellation / Refund Policy.