Info: New entries for this event closed on Sunday 26th May 2024.
Senior £7 |
The venue will be Graythwaite with the venue at SD357918.
Please check the WAROC website ( for the course details.
A popular series of Wednesday evening informal events in South Lakeland when the woods are at their best.
Suitable for families, beginners and orienteers of all abilities. There's plenty of help available if you're new to orienteering.
A result in all 3 events is required for an overall result for the Battleaxe prizes at the final event.
Again this year we are offering a Long Tech course - similar to the Long course but with paths and ruined walls removed from the map, along with standard Long, Short and Yellow courses.
Newcomers to the sport are very welcome at this event. If this is your first time and you require assistance with the pre-entry system, please email Martin at Alternatively, simply turn up at the event where you will be guaranteed an entry and where guidance will be on hand, but please bring the correct money for the entries.
Dibber hire will be available.
Generally very limited EOD and course changes will be available subject to availability of maps. For EOD please bring the correct money.
Starts between 17.30 - 19.00. Courses close 20.00. Check the WAROC website just before the events for final details as some details may change at last minute. Car share wherever possible as parking could be tight. If you are a novice please start early
Controls will be SIAC enabled but please punch both the check and start controls.
Important safety information. Courses will close at 20.00 and everyone must finish by 20.00 and must return to Download immediately after finishing because there will be very little daylight to organise a rescue. In the event of a missing competitor Mountain Rescue will be called.
Waterproofs may be compulsory depending on the weather conditions. Signs will be displayed at registration if this is required. You are strongly recommended to carry a whistle.
The BBQ is back! BBQ from 18.30-19.45. Prizegiving at 19.45. Prizes for all races!
Please stay for the BBQ provided by NWJS - cost is £7.50 with a choice of burger (meat/veggie) or sausage with salad, coleslaw and cheese, cake and soft drink. You can sign up on SiEntries so that we can get numbers but please bring correct money on the night, cash only please.
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