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SELOC - Euro City Race – Salford

Event Website

Sunday 8th September 2024

Entries Open
Thursday 4th July 2024
Entries Close
Sunday 1st September 2024
Entries So Far
371 Participants
Entry Fees

Senior - BOF Member £15 / Non-Member £17
Junior / Student - £7
+ £1 after 18/08/24

Runner City Race
Senior £6 / Junior £3

Senior £5 / Junior £3

Family Adventure Course
£5 per group


The City of Salford, like its neighbour Manchester on the opposite bank of the River Irwell, has a long history as one of Britain’s first industrial cities. Now home to museums, art galleries, theatres and the BBC, with central Manchester and all its attractions nearby. Inland terminus of the Manchester Ship Canal with docks that made both cities thrive but now transformed into Salford Quays – a modern centre for creative, digital and media industries centred on Media City, where the main event of this weekend will be based.

Classes and course combinations for day 3 are set out below. You can run your age group, run up one or more age classes by selecting the age class you wish to compete in, or if you would like to run a course which is shorter than your age class, you can run "down" by selecting the "Others" class on the course you wish to run.

Age classes and names on day 3 differ slightly from the standard UK ones in order to facilitate submission of results to Euro Cities Tour, UK Urban league and NW Urban League but course combinations remain as normal. Juniors under the age of 16 on the day of the event who wish to run on their own must enter either course 6 or 7. They must be accompanied by an adult on any other course.

Class Name Course Recommended for
 MO 1  M21+    
 MY 1  M20-    
 MV, WO, Others 2 2  M40+  W21+  Others Course 2
 WY 2    W20-  
 MSV, WV, Others 3 3  M55+  W40+  Others Course 3
 MUV, WSV, Others 4 4  M65+  W55+  Others Course 4
 MHV, WUV, WHV, Others 5 5  M75+  W65+, W75+  Others Course 5
 MJ, WJ, Others 6 6  M16-  W16-  Others Course 6
 YJM, YJW, Others 7 7  M12-  W12-  Others Course 7
 Runners City Race 8  Runners looking for a course around 5km
 Family Adventure Course 9  Families or other groups wanting a simple course
 Accessible 10  Those with mobility issues or young children in buggies

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Event Location
Salford Quays