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Carnethy Skyloop Hill Race

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Sunday 13th October 2024

Entries Open
Tuesday 17th September 2024 at 20:00
Entries Close
Friday 11th October 2024 at 16:00
Entries So Far
227 Participants
Entry Fees
Entry Fee   £15.00   
Race Director - Colm Moran

A Category 'A' Long hill race covering over 30km and 1700m of ascent in the Pentland Hills south of Edinburgh.

Much of the route will be familiar to Scottish hill runners as it resembles the traditional 'Pentland Skyline' route. While the route is not quite the same and skips a few key peaks, we believe this new route still offers a suitable challenge and good route and we are delighted to be able to offer a race after the ongoing the issues the club has faced.

Registration, as well as start and finish at the Lothianburn Clubhouse, Midlothian, Grid Reference NT 24874 67276, from 9:00am.

Please note that this start and registration location is not the same as previous Skylines, and is lower down the hill.

Race start time is 11:00am. For those in the MV60 & FV50 or above categories there is an optional earlier start at 10:00am. See details below.

Taking part in this race is a serious undertaking. As a rule of thumb, your finish time will be comparable to your road marathon time. The race route includes steep ascents and descents, on loose and rough ground, and sections of difficult open moorland. The course is mostly unmarked, you are required to be able to navigate over difficult terrain in low visibility conditions. 


Entries are online only, and will remain open until Sunday 6th October. If the race has filled, then a waiting list will be made available. There will not be any entries on the day.

Withdrawals can be made by notifying the race director at any time up until midday on Sunday 6th October. We will endeavour to refund your entry fee, minus our unavoidable administrative costs, but this cannot be guaranteed.

Substitutions can be made on the SiEntries site up until midday on Monday 7th October.

The entry fee is £15, some of which the club will be donating to local partnerships such as the Pentland Hills Regional Park and Friends of the Pentlands.

Please read and understand the following rules and conditions of entry.

Optional early start time for experienced FV50, MV60 and above

The Skyline Race is hard, and must not be underestimated. For this reason we have a 2hrs 30min cut off at checkpoint 12, the Drove Road. The cut off is in place to ensure the marshals on the second half of the course are not required to be in position for an unreasonable length of time. The second half of the race while less steep, is normally much slower going than the first half. 

However, there are some experienced competitors who, while they may no longer have the pace they once had, are well capable of finishing the course in a reasonable time. 

There will be an optional early start at 10am for competitors in the FV50 or above age categories, and similarly for the MV60 and above categories. This will give you 3hrs30min to reach checkpoint 12. The cut off will remain at 2hrs 30min after the 11am start.

To qualify you must have previously completed the Skyline Race, or can persuade the race organiser that you know what you are doing. Fill out the section marked 'Early Start Time' when you make your entry. 

Those competitors chosing the early start time may find fewer marshals present on the first half of the course, and we cannot guarantee the checkpoint 5 Flotterstone aid station will be set up in time. However we hope this will make the Pentland Skyloop race a little more inclusive. 

Race Rules - general

  1. Competitors MUST have the following minimum kit with them at all times during the race.
    This is the minimum kit requirement for this event, but you are responsible for carrying any additional items you consider necessary for your own protection given the conditions, or as the race organiser may dictate on the day.
    1. Waterproof jacket with hood
    2. Waterproof overtrousers
    3. Hat and gloves
    4. Map and compass suitable for navigating the course.
    5. Whistle
    6. Suitable running shoes - fell shoes or equivalent. Road shoes are not acceptable
  2. Hill Racing experience is required. This race is not suitable for beginner hill racers. If you are in any doubt about your eligibility to run the race, contact the race organiser.
  3. Navigational skills will be required. The course is unmarked except where a set line is required to prevent erosion. You MUST be able to find your way in cloud/rain using your map and compass. You cannot depend on being able to follow a path or another runner. Local knowledge might be an advantage though in general the racing line follows paths and trods.
  4. All competitors must be aged 18 or over on day of race.
  5. You are responsible for your own safety. If you see someone in trouble YOU MUST HELP, even if it costs you the race.
  6. You MUST wear your race number on your front. It must NOT be folded in any way. If you cover your race number with clothing, then you must make it visible at every checkpoint and the finish line.
  7. Runners arriving at checkpoint 12 (Bavelaw) more than 2hrs45 min after the main race start (ie, 1345 assuming the race starts on time at 1100)  are required to retire and accept a lift to the start/finish. Drove Road marshals decision is final.
  8. Runners are not allowed to run with their dogs on the course.
  9. Running poles which fold or telescope are allowed. You MUST not use them and must keep them folded until you are past Caerketton Hill (CP2). At all times you must ensure that the poles do not impede or endanger other runners. Note that this rule differs from SHR mandatory safety policy rule 11. Carnethy Hill Running Club has it's own race insurance, so the use of poles does not invalidate the insurance. Non-folding/telescoping poles are not allowed as the present a hazard at the start.
  10. No race parking anywhere on the Hillend ski access road or ski centre. Any competitors found parked at the ski centre will be penalised the time equivalent to walking to the start from the main road (15 minutes).

Race Rules - Retirement Procedure

If you must retire from the race, you must do so in a safe manner. All registered runners who fail to finish MUST hand their race number in at the finish line

  1. Continue to and report to the nearest race marshal. 
  2. We recommend (if possible) using one of the two escape points indicated on the published race map.
  3. YOU MUST REPORT TO THE FINISH LINE. You must hand your race number into the finish. This is essential, and failure to do so will make life very difficult for the race organisers. We are under an obligation to account for all competitors who have registered for the race. If we cannot account for you, we have to find you. This is usually difficult, time consuming and stressful, and we may have to involve the Police. If you think this is alarmist, then please read about the Sailbeck tragedy in 2012. If you do not comply with this rule then we may report you to Scottish Hill Runners, and ask for your banning from future SHR races.

Note that the above are Mandatory Safety Rules, supplemental to those given by Scottish Hill Runners safety policy. Both sets of rules apply. The rules are for both your safety and the race organisers. It is the competitors responsibility to understand and accept the rules. Any questions should be directed to the race organiser. 

Other Race Information

  1. Suitable Maps: (The downloadable map found at the Skyloop Race Page  is sufficient for the race if you are comfortable with it)
    1. Explorer 344: Pentland Hills, Penicuik & West Linton (1:25000)
    2. Landranger 66: Edinburgh, Penicuik & North Berwick (1:50000)
    3. Harvey Pentland Hills (1:25000)
  2. The organiser recommends trying this course before race day or at least doing some training runs of equivalent height and distance. This race is much harder than you might expect 16 miles to be.
  3. Race Control contact number: 07362457554 (emergency only).
  4. A covered area for bags will be available at race start, but the race cannot accept any responsibility for their security.
  5. There will be plentiful race parking available on the main road and in a sign posted field behind the Lothianburn Golf Club House, adjacent to the start and finish. Any competitors found parked on the Ski Road or at the Snowsports Centre car park will be penalised. We do not want a repeat of 2016 when the race was delayed by competitors ignoring this rule!

Please read the Official Race Page for more information including a course description and a printable race map.

Data Protection Legislation

Carnethy Hill Running Club (CHRC) use SiEntries as a data processor. SiEntries will take information provided by you for the purposes of managing race entry. Please see their Privacy Policy Statement. Any data taken or kept by SiEntries is governed by their policy, and any requests for opt out, withdraw of consent etc should be directed to SiEntries.

CHRC will use information provided to us by SiEntries for the sole purpose of the organisation and safe running of the Pentland Skyline Race.  CHRC will retain and make public the following results information indefinitely (subject to your legal right to request erasure, correction etc) : Your name, gender, age group, club, race times and race finish positions. All other personal information in CHRC possession will be erased within 3 months of the race date.

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