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SROC Beacon Fell Autumn Series 2

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Saturday 2nd November 2024

Entries Open
Monday 23rd September 2024
Entries Close
Friday 1st November 2024 at 21:00
Orange; Short Green; Green; Score
Entries So Far
5 Participants
Entry Fees

Senior Member            £6.00  
Senior Non-Member   £7.00  
Junior / Students         £3.00

Chris Roberts

To enter you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

Final details

Please click the link above to see final details, including course lengths etc.


Pre-entries are preferred. There will be limited entry on the day, so long as we have maps. On-line entries are open up to 9pm on the day before the event. Please enter on-line if you can. This makes things easier for us and secures your place in the event. If you have any problems using the entry system please contact for assistance. Entry fees are £7 for non-member adults, £6 for member agults and £3 for juniors (under 21) and students. Please note, these fees are the same for individuals, pairs or small groups. e.g. two adults running together would pay just £7 (or £6 if members), not £14. There is space on the entry page to add details of any other persons sharing your entry.

Entries are free for SROC junior members. Contact for the discount code.

If you are a newcomer to the sport and do not have  a an orienteering dibber (to record visiting the controls, also called an SI-Card) then please indicate that you need to borrow an SI-Card. 


Orange  – suitable for Juniors with some map reading experience and family groups with no experience. 

Green   – experienced orienteers only. A physically and technically demanding course

Short Green - like Green only shorter!

Score - suitable for beginners and experienced orienteers. Navigate around your choice of controls to maximise your score. Each control visited is worth 10 points, there is a time limit of 60 minutes with a points penalty of 5 per minute (or part minute) late. Make sure you have a watch!

Controls are in beacon mode so they can be punched contactlessly if you have a SIAC. This does not apply to the dibbers available for hire. 


Map A4 on waterproof paper

Mainly wooded country park with a good path network.


15 minutes start blocks, starts between 12.30 and 13.30. Courses close at 15.00 and controls will be removed after that time.

The Start/Finish are close to Registration. Only go to the start just prior to starting. 

Remember to:

  • Clear and check your dibber
  • Physically punch the start and then pick up your map from the box provided (please ensure you only take one).


  • Please move away from the Finish quickly, and proceed directly to download forming a queue if necessary. You must report to download even if you abandon your run.
  • Take the splits – these are pre cut. Please move away from download quickly.

Results will not be displayed during the event but will be on the website in the evening.


First Aid – a first aid kit will be available at download for people to self administer.

Toilets are available at the visitor centre. close to parking.

Travel Directions/parking:

Park in the main visitor centre car park, pay and display.

Start, Finish and Registration/Download close to parking.

Event Officials & Thanks:

 Organiser and Planner Tania Milnes SROC and Ian Porter SROC

As a newcomer, if you have any questions prior to the event, either about orienteering or the entry process please contact Martyn Roome on

General enquiries to


Please take normal precautions when running on uneven surfaces. There may be exposed tree roots in places, and some cobbled pathways. The area is popular with the general public, please respect their equal rights to be there and give adequate space when running past.

There will be a first aid kit at registration for self-use.

You must report to the finish and download after the event, even if you retire.

Waterproof jackets will be made compulsory if conditions require it.

Social Distancing and Other Covid Related Precautions

We will be following BOF’s current COVID guidelines but trust everyone will be using their common sense to ensure that all competitors and the public are as safe as possible. Please maintain social distancing and adhere to the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct.


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Event Location
Beacon Fell Visitor Centre