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Lowther Lakeland Fell & Trail Race

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Sunday 10th August 2025

Entries Open
Saturday 16th November 2024
Entries Close
Saturday 9th August 2025 at 22:00
Entries So Far
16 Participants
Entry Fees
FRA Member   £12.00   
Non Member   £14.00   

+ £1.50 if you don't have your own SIAC

Event Organiser - Martin Stone
01931 714106

To enter you must first Log In or Register your Details with SiEntries.

The Route - the 39th Lowther Lakeland Fell & Trail Race starts in front of Lowther Castle.  Lowther is located 3 miles to the south of Penrith, just to the west of the A6. GR521 240, CA10 2HG.  Registration will be from 09.00am and the race starts at 11:00.  The race takes place under FRA Rules and the minimum age is 18.  Organised by volunteers and ALL proceeds after essential expenses will be donated to Eden Valley Hospice.

This scenic route crosses Askham Fell and the Lowther Valley.  It is a fully marked 13 mile route with about 1400ft of ascent.  The route has about 3 miles of tarmac and the rest is mostly open country on grassy tracks, also about two miles crossing rough pasture. 

The route climbs through Askham village onto the fell to Heughscar Hill where you will find the first SPORTident timing station.  The route turns south and descends to the Cockpit and onwards across the valley of Heltondale to Butterwick. You will get your feet wet when you ford the River Lowther! A stiff climb follows onto Knipe Scar to the most southerly point on the course and the second SPORTident timing station.  From here the route turns north across the grassland of Lowther Park to Whale.  A track above the river Lowther leads you to the finish at Lowther Castle. 

Although there are a few short but flattish sections on rough ground, we think that trail shoes will be more suitable than fell shoes and the fastest runners could even consider wearing trainers.  It depends on the conditions underfoot.  You must come to the event equipped with a lightweight raintop and full leg cover which we will ask you to carry if the weather is wet and windy. 

The event will use SPORTident Timing and each competitor will carry a SIAC.  These are contactless timing cards and are attached to your wrist.  You use them to record your visit/time at the 2 timing points and the finish.  They can be hired for £1.50 and collected from registration or you can use your own if you have one to avoid the charge.  PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY SIACS MAY BE USED, NOT TRADITIONAL SI-CARDS.  

Competitors may run with a dog "canicross style" but the dog MUST be on a lead at all times and runners must not allow their dogs to impede the progress of other competitors.  The route passes through fields with livestock, so please be really sensible if you are running with a dog on a lead.

There is NO ENTRY ON THE DAY.  Entries stay open until 22:00 on the evening before the event, so we don't feel there is any need to allow entry on the day!   

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Event Location
Lowther Castle, Askham, CA10 2HG