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Friday 12th to Sunday 14th December 2025

Entries Open
Saturday 14th December 2024 at 10:00
Entries Close
Friday 14th November 2025 at 10:00
Entries So Far
27 Participants
Entry Fees
Entry Fee   £217.00   

UKA Discounted Fee £215.00

Centurion Running

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The Winter Downs 100 is a 100 mile continuous trail run taking place over 12th-14th December 2025. The route starts at Amberley Museum in the heart of the South Downs and runs point to point, traversing the South Downs Way, Wayfarers Walk, St Swithuns Way and finally the North Downs Way to finish at Juniper Hall on the north side of Box Hill. The route is exactly the same as the second half of the Winter Downs 200, now in its second year. It is designed as a step up from our long standing 100 mile events as well as an opportunity for those looking to tackle the 200 in years to come, a chance to experience a winter adventure on the course itself.

Runners have up to 35 hours to complete the course with our usual live tracking available across the entire event. Runners will also be permitted to have a crew and access to drop bags at the three check points, where hot food and unrivalled volunteer support will be on hand. But the clock doesn't stop, this is a single stage race. With 16 hours of darkness each day, long stretches between aid stations and the undulating terrain, the race is designed to be an incredible winter running adventure on what is a phenomenal course.

Starting out from the beautiful Amberley Museum, the route travels west for 42 miles on the South Downs Way National Trail as far as its intersection with the Wayfarers Walk, just after Exton. The course then travels north east, first on the Wayfarers Walk and then the St. Swithuns Way up to Farnham - a section of 32 miles -  to rejoin the North Downs Way at the trail head. The final 26 miles of the course takes runners on the NDW to Box Hill and Juniper Hall.

Race held under full UK Athletics Permit granted through the TRA. Permit Number Pending.

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This event offers the option to purchase XCover, so that participants may be able to get a refund if they are unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances.

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Event Location
Juniper Hall, Old London Road, Dorking, RH5 6DA