Info: New entries for this event closed on Friday 9th September 2022.
Pair (per team) | £110.00 | |
Under 23 (per team) | £75.00 | |
Adult & Junior (AJ) (per team) | £75.00 | |
Score - Pair (per team) | £40.00 | |
Score - Under 23 (per team) | £40.00 | |
Score - Adult & Junior (AJ) (per team) | £40.00 | |
Includes SI-Card |
The Mourne Mountain Marathon is a classic 2 day navigation and endurance event for teams of two. At the start of each day teams are presented with a course as a list of control markers which are identified by 6-figure map references. They must visit each control in the prescribed order but may choose their own routes between them. A feature of the event is the overnight camp in the mountains at which all teams must be self-sufficient with everything being carried throughout the two days of competition. The camp is basic but the views and the camaraderie are always great.
N.B. The courses are planned using the Mourne Mountains 1:25,000 map published by Harvey Maps. They are available from Jackson Sports and most good online retailers and "High Street" outdoor pursuits shops.
In line with government regulations and sporting body guidance, measures will be put in place to protect against the spread of Coronavirus as detailed on the Coronavirus Measures page. By entering the event you are agreeing to adhere to these measures.
Due to the ongoing changes in government and medical advice around Coronavirus, we may need to change our rules and arrangements. If you feel that you can no longer take part due to either a significant change in our arrangements or your personal circumstances due to Covid-19 a deferral or refund may be available. See website for details.
View the Event Disclaimer / Terms and Conditions.