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Buttermere Sailbeck - Final Details

Saturday 15th June 2024

Thank you for entering the race. 

Travelling to Buttermere

Please carshare if possible.  There is a shuttlebus between Cockermouth and Buttermere, and a Stage Coach bus from Keswick.  Please see the following information:


Please only park in the designated race parking fields which are located beyond the National Park Car Park in the centre of the village.  £5 per car.  The car park will be marshalled by Eddie (the farmer) and his car park attendants, they will collect money on arrival at the car park.  If you are intending to camp/stay overnight please let them know (£10/night).

Please leave parking in the village, including on the road up to Newlands Pass, the National Park car park and the National Trust car park free for visitors.  Follow guidance from race marshals in the village.  It is really important that we support the local businesses and residents by not impacting on the already limited parking that is available in Buttermere.

Registration, Event Centre & Facilities

This will be in the 'usual' field next to Croft House Café, opposite The Buttermere Court Hotel (formerly The Fish Inn).

Registration is open from 09:00 and closes at 12:15.  Please register soon after 09:00 if you are staying in the village on Friday night so that we can avoid a mad rush before the race.  Please bring your own safety pins.

Full Kit Check prior to registering. Please bring full mandatory kit to Registration, including emergency food.  

Facilities - Pete Bland Sports will be on site with plenty of kit to be purchased.  Toilets will be in the carparking field and the event centre field.  Croft House Café are providing refreshments throughout the day, from 9.30am onwards; bacon butties, paninis, cake and hot drinks.  Runners will receive a hot drink and a cake as part of their entry.  Please support the café as much as you can. We would not be able to hold the race without their backing.

Race - IMPORTANT  Women Start Time 12:00, Men Start Time 12:30

The race will start and finish in the field directly opposite The Bridge Inn. 

Running up the Newlands Road is completely out of bounds.  Please make sure that you are in the start field at least ten minutes before the start time of your race.

There is a cut off time of 13:30 for women and 14:00 for men at Rigg Beck.  If you don't reach Rigg Beck by your deadline please follow the direction of the race marshals at this checkpoint.

Contactless Timing/Safety - You Must Return Your SIAC!

The event will use SPORTident Contactless Punching.  You wear your SIAC Timing Card on your right wrist (no GPS device on the same wrist).  Please put it on your wrist immediately after Registration. You run through each checkpoint channel and the Finish.  There is no need to dip your card anywhere on the course. 

After you finish, you must return to Registration with your SIAC immediately so that we can include you in the results and we know you are safe.  Failure to hand in your SIAC could trigger an MRT call out and you will be excluded from future events.  There is a charge of £60 if you lose your SIAC.


Results will appear online within a few minutes of each runner finishing, wifi/mobile signal permitting.  There is a QR Code at the foot of the splits print that when scanned will display the results link.  The link for results is:

Prizegiving ETA - 15:00 to 15:30

We will be awarding prizes in the following categories:

  • Top 10 Men and 10 Women
  • Categories - Top 3 U23, V40, V45, V50, V55, V60, V65, V70 and V75 both Male and Women
  • Teams - Men 5 to count, Women 4 to count

Buttermere is a small village and very much a Lake District honeypot so it is vitally important that we not only support all of the local businesses as much as possible (there are two pubs, a campsite, another café and accommodation) but we don't negatively impact the enjoyment of other visitors to the area.

Thank you in advance to Croft House Café, Eddie Sheard (landowner), Pete Bland Sports, Kong Adventure, the FRA, SPORTident/SiEntries and most importantly all of our helpers and marshals.

We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday, you are in for a real treat as Buttermere Sailbeck is a true Lakeland Classic route.  Good luck!


Mike and Hazel

Event Organisers

Mike Robinson
Buttermere Village