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Blisco Dash - Final Details

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Saturday 27th July 2024

Please read this final information carefully.

Can’t Race?

If you cannot run I am sorry to hear that, but there is no need to let the organiser know at this stage thank you 😊 There isn’t a waiting list so no-one else is missing out!


The parking field will be open from 10.30am and is in the usual Langdale Horseshoe parking field at the end of the valley past the campsite – follow the signs. Please bring £5 cash (if there are 4 or more people in your car, parking is FREE). There is no overnight parking or camping in the parking field I am afraid, but there is the NT campsite 200m away and Stickle Barn car park for campervans 1km away.

Public Transport

The 516 bus runs hourly from Ambleside to the Event location – a copy of timetable can be found here.

Registration & Full FRA Kit Check

This will be open from 11.00am.

Please come to Registration with full FRA kit for a kit check prior to getting your race number and dibber. There is a chance the kit requirements may be relaxed on the day, but if they aren't please don’t have a moan at the volunteers on kit check! They are racing and will have to carry it too!

Race Start Times - Arriving and Leaving

Race starts are: Women 1pm and Men 2.45pm. We would appreciate your assistance in helping the starts and finishes of races to go smoothly. The entrance and exit of our parking field is right on the final run in of the race route (not ideal but unavoidable sadly!). We would ask that runners are parked up by the start of the women’s race at 1pm and if possible, stay parked there until the end of the men’s race at 4.15pm. We realise this might not be possible for everyone, and no one will be prevented from leaving or arriving in those times – it would just help if people were willing to stay and enjoy watching the race they are not competing in and keep the run in on the road as traffic free as possible. Thanks!

Race Start & Finish - You Must Dip At The Summit

The races start at the very far end of the parking field (towards Stool End Farm). The only checkpoint is at the summit where you will have to dip. The finish is just over the stony bridge immediately on the right by the farm. Access to this finish field for non-racers will be limited so please follow marshals’ instructions and take the long way round if asked.

Road Safety

We cannot officially close the road but traffic will be stopped for the start of the races so no cars will be present. Please be aware that the final 500m of the race is on the road which will be open to traffic as you race towards the finish. Even though it is a quiet road you should keep to the left as you run down for your own safety. Marshals will be there to assist.

Finish Line Protocol – Race For The Line NOT The Dibber Box!

You will be given a dibber at registration, but please remember that your final race position will be taken on the finish line – so please race to the line NOT the dibber box! You will be presented with a handheld box to dib very shortly after crossing the line. Marshals will ensure that you dib in the order you Finish.  You must proceed from the finish to the Registration barn to hand in your dibber and receive your splits print.

Race & English Championship Live Results – Wifi By The Refreshment Tent
There will be a scoreboard in the Refreshment Tent.  The link to both Blisco and English Champs Series results is:  

As there is no mobile signal at the venue, SPORTident will setup a Wifi access point and a local webserver on the west side of the refreshment tent.  Edit the Wifi settings on your phone and connect to the SPORTident network.  Scan the QR Code on your splits print and this will take you to webpages which display both the Blisco results and the English Champs Series results.
We will have a coffee vendor and refreshment stall with a selection of (Langdale Horseshoe quality!) pies, cold drinks, cakes and tray bakes. Please bring cash as we do not have a card payment facility. If you have your own cup we will happily put your brew in that rather than a disposable one. The ODG pub is also open for drinks and food.


The British Championship prizes and medals will be awarded at the refreshment marquees at 4.30pm. Please be aware that the U23 prizes will be based on your Age on 31st December.  A few who would usually get an U23 prize at a race will not be eligible for one at the Blisco Dash. 

We will give any runners enjoying a pint in the pub a shout and you will be able to bring your drink over with you. It will be great for the newly crowned British Champions in all categories to have a decent crowd to applaud their achievements. We have a special guest prize presenter in attendance!

That is it for now – we look forward to welcoming you to Langdale on Saturday.


Dan Duxbury
Ambleside Athletic Club

Event Organiser
Old Dungeon Ghyll, Great Langdale, LA22 9JY