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Pete Bland Kentmere Horseshoe - Final Details

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Sunday 21st July 2024


Kentmere Horseshoe is upon us again. The Bland family has a long association with Kentmere since dad (Pete Bland) started the race back in the late 70's.  We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday and hope by reading the below you can make our day and yours run smoothly.



Parking is at the Hollingsworth & Vose factory and will be open from 10:00 (not before), halfway up the Kentmere Valley (as per last years race and previous championship race). Parking will be clearly signposted as you head up the valley with plenty of marshals who will help with parking. Parking is charged at £3 so please bring change and car share where possible. There is a public footpath from the car park to the event field and will take approximately 30 minutes (slow walk). Parking on the event field is only for event marshals, please do not attempt to park here as you will be sent back down the valley and could jeopardise the future of the race. Please car share where possible or alternatively you can bike to the event field, plenty of places to leave bikes.



Race registration is on the event field (not the institute) from 10:30. Please arrive in good time to be able to register and be ready to start the race at 13:00.  Please ensure you have updated your online entry to provide the most up-to-date Transport and Emergency Contact details.  Unless you do this, you will need to fill in a Details on the Day form.  

With the current threat of some bad weather and after some issues prior to last years race we are now implementing a full kit check at registration. You must abide by FRA rules and have the following at kit check:

  • Fully Body Waterproofs (taped seams, jacket and trousers)
  • Hat & Gloves
  • Map (of the route), Compass & Whistle
  • Emergency Food

You cannot race if you don't have the above, no exceptions.



Medical assistance will be provided by Blueline Medical Service and they will be on site from 12:30 till approximately 18:00.



We will have two tents on the event field where competitors will be able to leave their kit and belongings while racing. Please feel free to use this facility rather than leaving kit in the car if preferred.



FRA mandatory kit requirements will apply (no exceptions). Full body waterproofs (taped seams), map of the course, compass, whistle, hat, gloves and emergency food.

Numbers must be worn on the chest (not your shorts or back). Please do not deface a number or make it smaller. It is imperative all runners are accounted for through the checkpoints and finish and obscured numbers only make this more difficult for checkpoint and finish marshals.



The race will start promptly at 13:00, anyone arriving after this time will not be allowed to race. The checkpoints and cut offs are as follows:

  • Ill Bell - Cut Off - 80 Minutes
  • High Street - Cut Off - 140 Minutes
  • Kentmere Pike - No Cut Off

These cut offs will be strictly adhered to and should you reach a checkpoint beyond this time, you will be disqualified from the race. Checkpoint marshals will advise you to turn back or direct you off the hill, please do not continue if missing the cut off and you must report to the finish.

The route is flagged and marshalled from Hallow Bank back to the finish.



Please ensure that you visit each checkpoint and dip your SI-Card (timing chip) there to avoid disqualification.  At the end of the event, all SI-Cards MUST be handed in to the organising team AT THE FINISH.   If you retire then you must report to the Finish Team on the field.   Telling a checkpoint marshal isn't sufficient.  Reporting to the Finish is an essential safety requirement of the event and avoids an unnecessary search and a potential ban by the FRA from future events. 

You will not get a result for the event until the SI-Card is handed in as all your times are stored on the card.  Failure to hand back a hired SI-Card will incur a charge of £30 and could disqualify you from taking part in a future event. There is a charge of £15 if you break your SI-Card. Enough of the hard words. 



The link to results is    

There is a QR Code on the bottom of each splits print handed out at the Finish.  When the QR Code is scanned with a mobile phone, results will appear on the phone, mobile signal permitting.


Refreshments (food & drink) will be available in the institute before and after the race. Please ensure you bring cash (bags can be left at bag drop) so you can purchase refreshments from the institute. Its important that competitors support this as all profits go back into the community and help keep the race going.


Pete Bland Sports will be on the event field for any last minute kit requirements such as race maps or compasses. Most fell running kit will also be available, cash and card payments taken.


Please note there is a new phone mast in the Kentmere Valley and reception for the EE network is very strong.

Have a great event


Matt Bland

Race Organiser

Matt Bland
01539 731012
Kentmere Village Hall, LA8 9JL