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Flower of Suffolk Hundred 2025

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Event Disclaimer / Terms and ConditionsT's & C's

The information supplied by me is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false information supplied about membership or qualifying events may affect my inclusion in the ballot or the event itself.

I understand that particular rules may apply to participants in this event and I undertake to make myself aware of these rules before I start. I agree to abide by the rules of the event published on the event website and to observe the Country Code at all times. I will ensure that my supporters also abide by these rules.

I have sufficient knowledge, experience, equipment and navigational skills to take part in this long distance walk in all conditions.

I agree to carry the full mandatory kit as per the event rules for the whole of the event. I acknowledge that there will be a kit check and, if I am found to be not carrying required item(s) of kit I will be immediately disqualified and transported to the finish by official transport.

I confirm that I am in good health and have no medical condition that may cause undue concern or inconvenience to others.

I confirm that I participate at my own risk and that no liability is accepted by the organisers or the LDWA for injury, damage or loss sustained by me during, or in connection with, the event.

I will be over 18 years old on the day of the event.

Participation in the FOS 100 will involve carrying a tracker and appearing in the results and the Hundred Register. 

The Hundred Register is stored on the LDWA secure server.  It is not in the public domain and can only be accessed by the Hundred Recorder, the 100s Co-ordinator and the LDWA IT team.

It contains only the following information for each entrant:- name, LDWA number, local group, year of birth/age, gender, number of 100s started and finished, plus a list of all years when a 100 was started, showing the type (marshals’ or main) and a time if completed or a note of retirement.  The information is used to track the completions counting towards a 10/20/30/40 award for participants and to provide statistics or to identify trends to help with future planning, in which case the information would be anonymous eg. The number of people from each local group to have completed a 100.

The results are stored on the LDWA website and show the participants name, number of previously completed hundreds and times at each checkpoint.

Please see the event rules for more details and the Data Protection and Privacy  User Guide ( for how we process your information.