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Fireworks 500

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Activity Waiver and Release of Liability

Acknowledgement and Assumption of Risks:

I acknowledge that participating in activities (including open water swimming) during FW500, involves inherent risks and dangers, including but not limited to physical or emotional injury, paralysis, death, or damage to self, property, or third parties. 

By entering this event, I affirm that I am fully aware of these risks and accept all responsibility for my participation.

Swimming Competency and Cold Water Acclimatisation:

I confirm I possess the ability to swim competently 500m or more in open water. I understand the physical demands of activities and affirm my capability to meet them, acknowledging they are undertaken at my own risk.

Health and Fitness Confirmation:

I warrant that I do not have, nor have had, any medical condition that may make my participation more hazardous. I agree to inform T2Events / MMX Events of any relevant medical or physical conditions that might impact my ability to participate safely. Participants with heart conditions or those who are pregnant must inform staff before participation.

Medication Disclosure and Emergency Treatment Consent:

I agree to notify T2Events/ MMX Events staff of any medications necessary in an emergency, including EpiPens, asthma inhalers, etc. I consent to the administration of emergency medical treatment if required during my participation.

Adherence to Rules and Instructions:

I commit to adhering to all safety and induction procedures set by T2Events / MMX Events and its staff. I understand that failure to comply may lead to removal from the activity without a refund.

Child Supervision and Safety:

Children under 16 must be always accompanied by a supervising adult. I commit to ensuring the safety and supervision of any minors in my care during their participation.

Release of Liability:

I hereby release T2Events / MMX Events, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents from any claims of injury, death, or property loss arising from my participation.

Water Quality and Health:

I acknowledge Capernwray undertakes water quality testing. Despite this, natural water bodies may present risks such as rashes or illnesses. I accept these risks as part of my participation.

Loss of Personal Property:

I understand T2Events / MMX Events is not responsible for personal property lost, damaged, or stolen while on the premises.

Car Park and Lane Use:

I agree to park my vehicle in designated areas and use the access lane responsibly, adhering to all posted signage and instructions.

Age Restrictions and Supervision:

Participants must comply with T2Events/ MMX Events age restrictions. Those under 18 require adult supervision. Failure to adhere may result in non-participation without a refund.

Use of Cameras, and Photography:

I acknowledge the use of Staff only camera for safety and consent to the use of my image in promotional materials.

Final Acknowledgement:

I confirm I have read, fully understood, and agree to all terms outlined in this waiver and release of liability. I acknowledge this agreement freely and voluntarily, intending it to be a complete release of liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.