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The Saint's Way Trek

Event Website
Event Disclaimer / Terms and ConditionsT's & C's

All participants understand that by entering The Saint’s Way Trek they are agreeing to the following terms and conditions: 
-Due to the demanding nature of this event, participants must ensure they have a level of fitness suitable for the challenge. 
-This event is not a race or trial of speed, but a personal challenge and as such there will be no list published which sorts participants either in finishing time or finishing position order.
-For portions of the event that take place on roads, participants must abide by the Highway Code at all times. It is the participants responsibility to assess when they should be crossing roads etc. 
-Participants that sign up for the fundraising option are responsible for reaching the minimum requirement of £195, if they are unable to fundraise this amount then they are responsible for paying the remainder themselves to Cornwall Hospice Care. 80% is required by the event date and the final 20% by no later than 4 weeks after the event date.
-There is no minimum age limit to take part in this event but under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult, this includes on the campsite.
-Hikers participate in this event entirely at their own risk and must rely on their own ability in dealing with all hazards.
-No alcohol is to be consumed whilst taking part in the walking element of this event, but there will be a licensed shop at the campsite.
-No liability whatsoever shall attach to Cornwall Hospice Care, the promoting club/organisation, event sponsors, or any event official or member of the promoting organisation in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by participants in or by reason of the event, unless such injury, loss or damage is proven to be caused by the negligence of the aforementioned. If participants do not abide by these terms and conditions the organisers will make all reasonable efforts to remove them from the event, and Cornwall Hospice Care will use all efforts to restrict participation in future events of their ownership.
-By entering The Saint’s Way Trek you agree to your name and any photographs, which may be taken of you, being used by Cornwall Hospice Care.

Registrations are strictly personal, firm and binding and fees shall not be refunded for any reason.
If you are unable to take part please let us know as soon as possible by calling 01726 66868 (option 3). You may defer your place to 2025. Please note deferrals will be accepted up to Monday 9th September 2024 at Midday.

If the event is cancelled due to adverse weather conditions or other reasons beyond our control, we may at our discretion offer a refund of your entry fee(s). However, we reserve the right to deduct an amount to cover the expenses incurred in setting up the event to ensure that Cornwall Hospice Care and our associated partners are not out of pocket due to running this event.