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3 Peaks Cyclo Cross

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Event Disclaimer / Terms and ConditionsT's & C's

ONCE ACCEPTED THERE WILL BE NO REFUNDS, ALTERATIONS OR TRANSFERS. If the event is subject to cancellation entries will either be carried forward to next year; or, a refund will be made excluding a non-refundable booking fee.

Terms of Entry
Please enter me for the 2024 Three Peaks Cyclo-Cross. If my application is successful, I agree to the following terms of entry:
1. You not practice with a cycle on those parts of the Three Peaks course where it there is no right of way to cycle (as indicated on the official race website)

2. You will not start if I am unfit or unwell on the day of the race.

3. You acknowledge that you compete at my own risk and I indemnify the promoters and helpers of the Three Peaks Cyclo-Cross against any claim for any accident, loss or damage as a consequence of my participation in the event.

4. You have downloaded, read, and will abide by the following draft document, noting that a final version will be circulated to all competitors prior to the race:

2024 - 60th 3 Peaks Cyclocross Raceregulations and Instructions

5.You agree that during the event I will not drop litter on any part of the course and that if I am observed so doing and reported by race officials and/or members of the public I will be disqualified and also liable to suspension from future editions of this event.

6. You understand that the event that you are entering an event will be run under the technical regulations, guidelines, bye laws and anti-doping rules of British Cycling and the Union Cycliste Internationale (where applicable); you hereby agree to comply with the Rules and any other rules stipulated by the relevant Event Organiser in the instructions to competitors You understand that you will not be entitled to a refund of your entry fee if you are disqualified from the Event as a result of, or infringement of these Terms or the Rules.

7. You understand that it is your responsibility to cycle with care and attention and to understand and abide by the Rules, the UK Highway Code and any other rules stipulated by the Event Organiser before, during and after the Event. You will not ride in a reckless and disrespectful manner that could endanger walkers (who have right of way) and other riders.

8. You agree to conduct yourself in a professional and cautious manner during your participation in the Event and understand that you may be disqualified from the Event if you do not do so. You accept that, in relation to your participation in the Event, the function of the marshals and relevant signage is only to indicate direction and that you must decide if the movement is safe.

9. You understand and agree that you participate in the Event entirely at your own risk, that you must rely on your own ability in dealing with all hazards, and that you must conduct yourself in a manner that is safe for yourself and all others throughout the duration of the Event.

10. You acknowledge that participation in the Event is physically strenuous and demanding. You confirm that you are aware of the nature of the Event and associated medical and physical risks involved. You further certify that you are physically capable of participating in the Event and are capable of completing the Event within the cut off time (as decided by the Event Organiser). You will only participate in the Event if you are fit enough to do so.

11. If you have any medical condition/s, including allergies, which the Event Organiser or Event medical advisors might need to be aware of, you undertake that you have provided details of these on your Entry Form and also on the reverse of the tyvek number issued to you on race day.

12. You accept full liability and responsibility for any medical expenses incurred as a result of training for and/or participating in the Event.

13. Whilst the Event Organiser takes care with the staging of the Event, you accept that you must make all reasonable precautions for the safeguarding of your person and of your property during your participation in the Event. You further acknowledge that personal accident and personal items insurance is your responsibility.

14. You accept that it is your responsibility to provide and use a suitable bicycle and helmet. The Event Organiser’s decision is final as to whether the bicycle and helmet are suitable.

15. You accept that the Event Organiser reserves the right to amend the Event format or cancel the Event due to health and safety reasons, including storm, rain, inclement weather, winds or any other act of god conditions. You accept that your Entry Fee shall be non-refundable in any circumstance where the Event does not take place.

16. You acknowledge that Event entry is personal to you and that you may not exchange it with or sell it to or transfer it to any other person.

17. You understand that confirmed entry to the Event is dependent on a fully and accurately completed online Entry Form.

18. Through your completion and submission of the online Entry Form, you are committing to paying for your Event entry via the means as instructed on the Website.

19. All decisions and rulings by British Cycling, the Event Organiser, its employees and its agents, volunteers and officials are considered final.

20. Nothing in these Terms excludes or limits British Cycling or the Event Organiser’s liability for any matter for which it would be illegal for us to exclude or attempt to exclude our liability, including but not limited to death or personal injury caused by our negligence.

21. Subject to clause 20, to the fullest extent permitted by law, you hereby waive, release and forever discharge us, our officers, employees, agents and representatives and all other persons associated with the Event for all liabilities, claims, actions or damages that you may have against us arising out of or in any way in connection with your registration and/or participation in the Event including, without limitation, any liability or claims caused by the negligence, action or inaction of any of the above parties, or otherwise.

22. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless the race organiser, British Cycling and its officers, employees, agents and representatives and all other persons associated with the Event from all liabilities, claims, actions and/or damages arising out of or in any way in connection with your participation in the Event or any breach by you of these Terms or the Rules.

23. To the extent permitted by law, all provisions of these Terms shall be severable and no provision shall be affected by the invalidity or unenforceability of any other provision.

24. Neither British Cycling nor the Event Organiser will be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under the Terms that is caused by events outside our reasonable control.

25. These Terms and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales. The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Agreement to Terms
I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to abide by the above terms and conditions for entering the 2024 Three Peaks Cyclo-Cross.

Data Protection
General Data Protection - details submitted on this form will be retained on password secured computer systems in the UK by the 3 Peaks Cyclo-Cross organiser for the purposes of administrating and managing the 2024 edition of the 3 Peaks Cyclo-Cross. Data is deleted from organiser systems 1 year after each edition of the race.

When you enter this event you consent to your details being shared by the 3 Peaks Cyclo-Cross with partner organisations such as but not limited to:
SiEntries and SPORTident UK for the purpose of registration management, race timing and the publication of electronic results. Entrants should note that historical archives (including name, club/location, racing category, finishing position, and finishing time) are retained to publicly chronicle the longstanding history of the race;
British Cycling Federation who are the sanctioning body for the race, who may require information provided on this form for purposes such as but not limited to the arrangement of insurance, calculation of race levies, and the allocation of ranking points; and,The emergency services who provide safety and medical support to the race.
The 3 Peaks Cyclo-Cross is a voluntary group whose sole purpose is to promote the 3 Peaks Cyclo-Cross Race. We do not share data with any entity who would look to use the data included on this entry form for promotion of commercial products or services.