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FEARmanagh Adventure Race

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Event Disclaimer / Terms and ConditionsT's & C's

I have read and accept the following terms for my own entry. I also accept the terms on behalf of any other participants I am entering in this event


Please read carefully 

In consideration of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council granting me permission to participate in the 2024 ‘FEAR’ event organised by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council in and around County Fermanagh, on Saturday 28 September 2024, the undersigned, on behalf of his/her heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns agrees:

1. I am 18 years of age or older. 

2. Prior to participating in any event in the ‘FEAR’, I will inspect the facilities and equipment to be used by me during that event. If I believe there is a safety issue with either the equipment or the facilities, I will bring this matter to the immediate attention of the nearest official. If the safety issue is not resolved to my satisfaction, I will remove myself from participation in the event; 

3. I understand that I may be engaging in activities that involve risks of serious injury, including permanent disability and/or death; severe social and/or economic losses which might not only occur from my actions or omissions, but also from the negligent or intentional actions or omissions of others, from the rules of play and their application, from the condition of the premises and/or equipment and from other sources known or unknown. I knowingly and freely assume all risks, both known and unknown, and accept any and all responsibility for my safety and welfare; I will comply with all instructions given to me by the Organiser’s officers, employees and volunteers, stewards and any member of the support services, and use any equipment as directed and not so as to hurt or injure myself or others. I accept any decision of the organiser officers as final and binding.

4. "I am sufficiently fit and healthy to safely participate in the event and do not suffer from any medical condition which would adversely affect my ability to safely participate in all activities at the event." I accept sole responsibility for any health and medical expenses from any physical or mental problem existing or occurring during the ‘FEAR’ or resulting from any type of injury incurred by me during the ‘FEAR’. While the Host may provide to participants very limited first aid for an injury occurring during the participating event, I am solely responsible for the health and medical expenses as stated above.

5. To fully release, discharge and hold harmless the Organiser, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and all other persons and entities, including but not limited to, partner organisations, sponsors, agencies, corporations, associates, staff, volunteers, providers of first aid and independent contractors, from any and all claims, actions, liabilities and causes of action, whether involving negligence or intentional actions or omissions which I and/or any of my heirs, successors, executors, administrators, agents or assigns may now have or which may accrue as a result of my voluntary participation in any of the sporting or non-sporting activities in connection with the ‘FEAR’.

6. To indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Organiser, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and all other persons and entities associated in anyway therewith for any liability, demand, judgment, or claim including reasonable costs and solicitor fees, arising out of or in connection with my acts or omissions or allegations thereof as a participant in any of the sporting or non-sporting activities related to or in connection with the ‘FEAR’;

I acknowledge that I execute this “General Release of Liability and Waiver” freely and voluntarily, and do not rely on any inducements, promises or representations made by the aforementioned organisations or individuals involved in the ‘FEAR’, or of any person associated in any way with the ‘FEAR’. 

8. The undersigned grants the Organiser, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council the world-wide right to use:
(i) The undersigned’s name, photograph, voice or likeness and biographical information; and 
(ii) Filmed or taped footage, photography and integrated media of the ‘FEAR’ to advertise or promote any sponsor of the ‘FEAR’ in  association with the Organiser and/or the ‘FEAR’, or to promote the ‘FEAR’ in all forms of marketing and advertising. 
It is specifically understood that:
(iii) The undersigned is not hereby endorsing any sponsor’s products.

9. I understand that there will only be cash prizes for the 1st Male & 1st Female (Short & Long), 1st Team (Short & Long) with trophies for the 1st - 3rd placed individual and teams, on the long and short competitive races.

In consideration of Fermanagh and Omagh District Council granting me permission to participate in the ‘FEAR’ organised and run by Fermanagh and Omagh District Council in and around County Fermanagh, on Saturday 28 September 2024, the undersigned, on behalf of his/her heirs, successors, executors, administrators and assigns agrees:

1. To abide by all the rules and regulations of the Organiser. 
2. To refrain from consuming alcoholic beverages or using any other substance in a manner that would increase, decrease or impair my level of performance during my participation in the sporting activities of the ‘FEAR’. 
3. To refrain from unsportsmanlike conduct, including without limitation physically or verbally assaulting or abusing any official, competitor, spectator, volunteer, or any person involved in the conduct and management of the ‘FEAR’. Any such conduct may meet with expulsion from the ‘FEAR’ and appropriate criminal and/or civil action against me. 
4. To refrain from damaging facilities and/or equipment in any manner, including the unauthorized removal of equipment from the ‘FEAR’ venues. 
5. To be filmed, photographed or interviewed as a participant in the ‘FEAR’ when requested to do so by any official of the Organiser. 

I acknowledge that I execute this 

“ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RULES AND REGULATIONS” freely and voluntarily and do not rely on any inducements, promises or representations made by the aforementioned organisations or individuals involved in the ‘FEAR’, or of any person associated in any way with the ‘FEAR’.
Competitors are advised they should consider taking out adequate personal insurance protection and ensure that this includes cover to compete in sports.

I acknowledge that I have read and understand this “GENERAL RELEASE OF LIABILITY & WAIVER, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RULES & REGULATIONS” and agree to all of their conditions.

FEARmanagh 28 September 2024 ‘On the Day’ Fit to Compete Declaration:

•    As an adult participating in an Adult event, I declare that I am 18 years of age or over on the day of the event.

•    I declare that I am medically fit to compete in this race.

•    I enter this race entirely at my own risk. 

•    I accept that the organisers and sponsors of the race, or any of their agents, will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claims, costs or expenses which may arise in consequence of my participation of this event.

•    I am fully aware of all associated risks involved with participating in this event.

•    By entering this race I give my permission to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council and Fermanagh Lakeland Tourism to use or authorize others to use photographs, motion pictures, recordings, data or any other record of my participation in this event for any legitimate purpose without remuneration.

•    I will listen to and respond to the advice given by race officials and marshals.

•    I acknowledge that headphones are not allowed to be worn during the race.

 •    I understand that there will only be cash prizes for the 1st Male & 1st Female (Short & Long), 1st Team (Short & Long) with trophies for the 1st - 3rd placed individual and teams, on the long and short competitive races.

•    By entering this race, I confirm that I have read and understood the above.