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Storm The Castle

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Event Disclaimer / Terms and ConditionsT's & C's



In registering for and participating in this event, you assume full and complete risk and responsibility for any discomfort, illness, injury, or accident which may occur while you are preparing for the event, during the event, while you are on the premises of the event, or while you are traveling to or from the event. You understand that participating in the event may be hazardous, and that you should not enter and participate unless you are medically able and properly trained.

If you are unsure, you should consult your doctor before participating in the event. It is your responsibility to check and to ensure that you are at all times medically and physically fit to participate in the activities related to the event. You acknowledge and agree that the event may be held over public roads, waterways/public waterways and facilities open to the public during the event and upon which hazards are to be expected. On open roads you must follow the Highway Code and/or the directions of any official.

You also acknowledge and agree that participation in the event may carry with it certain inherent risks and dangers that cannot be eliminated completely ranging from risk of minor discomfort to catastrophic injuries including permanent disability and death.

For all children under the age of 16, a parent /guardian must always be present at the event a child is participating in. Without a parent or guardian present, the child will strictly be unable to participate in the event. 

By entering the event online, agreeing to the parental consent at entry, and paying in advance, parental/guardian permission is assumed. 

All sports are, by their nature, unpredictable, and therefore inherently involve an element of risk. By allowing your child to participate in the event, you, the parent/guardian of the child agree and acknowledge that:
You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the event undertaken and accept responsibility for exposing your child to such inherent risks.

You have satisfied yourself that your child has the necessary skill and knowledge to take part in the event and to deal with conditions that may arise in the course of the race;
You will not allow your child to participate in an event whilst under the undue influence of alcohol, drugs, or whilst otherwise unfit to participate;
You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own actions or omissions or actions or omissions of your child;
You will be responsible for your child throughout the event and during the time that they are competing;
You hereby grant full permission to any and all of the above parties to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, website images, recordings or any other record of your child at the event. 

Children aged 10 years and under will need to be accompanied on the run by a parent or guardian. 


You must be at least 16 years old on the date of the event to enter the Full Storm the Castle Duathlon. 

By entering the event online, agreeing to the parental consent at point of entry, and paying in advance, parental/guardian permission is assumed.

Young people aged 16-17 years old are assumed to have autonomy over their decision making and do not require parental permission to enter an event. However, by entering this event you confirm that you have consulted with your parent/carer/guardian and they are aware of your participation and entry into this event.

Declaration for 16-17 year olds:
All sports are, by their nature, unpredictable, and therefore inherently involve an element of risk. By entering this event in order to participate in the Event, you agree and acknowledge that:
You are aware of the inherent element of risk involved in the event undertaken and accept responsibility for exposing yourself to such inherent risks;
You have satisfied yourself that you have the necessary skill and knowledge to take part in the event and to deal with conditions that may arise in the course of a race;
You will not participate in an event whilst under the undue influence of alcohol, drugs or whilst otherwise unfit to participate;
You accept responsibility for any injury, damage or loss to the extent caused by your own actions or omissions.

You will be responsible for your actions throughout the event and during the time that you are competing.

You hereby grant full permission to any and all of the above parties to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, website images, recordings or any other record of you at the event.


You hereby irrevocably grant Andali Events Ltd permission to record your voice and photograph you in conjunction with the Event.

Please note that as our events take place in public spaces and on the highways, images from the events (including your image) may be collected during events by media agencies and members of the public that the event does not control and has not authorised. Therefore, the collection of images by these third parties is outside our control and you must speak to those agencies directly if you have concerns.

You understand and agree that the term "photograph" as used herein encompasses both still photographs and video recordings. You further grant Andali Events permission to use your photograph, voice, and likeness taken in conjunction with the Event, in any form, including edited versions, in or over any medium including without limitation streaming audio and/or video over the internet, broadcast, cable, satellite transmissions, and media that are unknown at this time, worldwide for any legitimate purpose including, without limitation, any commercial purpose, without compensation to you.

You further waive any right of inspection of any such recordings and photographs. You understand that any such recordings and photographs recorded by Andali Events shall become the sole property of Andali Events.

Andali Events reserves the right to refuse any participant entry to an event at the time of registration, this includes children and youths that have not sought the appropriate permissions from a parent/carer/guardian.

If for any reason you are unable to attend the race, there will not be a refund, however, there is an option to defer your entry or transfer it to another competitor via SiEntries. The cut off for deferrals and transfers is 28 days prior to the start of the event. The final date to be eligible for a transfer is 11 May 2025.

Changes within the team do not need to be notified in advance. Please remember to adhere to the team composition rules. 

The Participant acknowledges and accepts that circumstances concerning the Event may change from time to time for reasons outside of the Organiser’s reasonable control or otherwise, without the Organiser incurring any liability and without any rights to withdrawal being accrued by the Participant save as expressly set out in these terms and conditions.

The Organiser may need to cancel the Event due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Organiser including, without limitation, (i) acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disaster; (ii) epidemic or pandemic; (iii) terrorist attack, civil war, civil commotion or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations, or threats thereof; (iv) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; (v) any law or any action taken by a government, public authority or governing body, including without limitation imposing any advice or restriction against events or gatherings; (vi) collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident; (vii) any labour or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts; (viii) non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors (including any venue); and/or (ix) interruption or failure of utility service.

In the event of cancellation due to the previously stated factors in the above paragraph, the Participant will be offered a full refund, less non-refundable expenses incurred by the Organiser, or deferral to the following year. 
Communication to all affected participants can be expected within 7 days of the cancellation announcement.

The Organiser reserves the right to change the date of the Event. In the event of such change of date of the Event, and if the Participant is unable to attend on the revised date, they have 14 days to inform the Organiser in writing from when the change in date is announced to receive a refund of their entry fee (excluding the 6% online booking fee).

The Organiser reserves the right to alter the start time of the Event. In the event of a change of start time the Participant will be notified of the revised start time with as much notice as reasonably practicable. The Participant acknowledges that if the Event will have an earlier start time, it is the Participant’s responsibility to ensure that they arrive at the time allocated to them. No refund in full or in part shall be made for any change in start time for the Event provided the Event takes place on the specified date of the Event.

The Organiser reserves the right to amend the Event format, including changing the course and the distance, at its sole discretion. If the Event format, course or distance, is changed the Participant will not be entitled to any refund and there shall be no further liability whatsoever arising from such change of format, course or distance.

In order to ensure that the roads can re-open on time in line with the Organiser’s obligations to the relevant local authorities and to ensure the proper functioning of the transition areas, the Organiser has the right to remove, from the Event, those participants who do not meet the applicable required cut-off times, No refunds will be paid to Participants in these cases. The relevant cut-off times, if applicable, will be made clear in pre event literature on the event website, or forwarded to the participant by email. 

All prizes must be collected on the day at the event prize giving.

T-shirts and other event “goodies” must be collected on the day from registration. Uncollected merchandise may be given to marshals to thank them for volunteering their time. 

If you have any further queries please email us: