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The Clyde Three Heads

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Event Disclaimer / Terms and ConditionsT's & C's

I certify that all the competitors named are amateur members of this Club, which is affiliated to
Scottish Rowing, or of the Club(s) shown against their names, such Clubs being affiliated to a recognised governing body and are eligible to compete in the events for which they are entered.

The Club(s) further certifies/certify that each competitor will race in a boat which complies in all respects with the SR Water Safety Code.

I understand that entries are non-refundable, except in the case of event cancellation, however amendments may be made up to the entry closure date on the SiEntries website.
Amendments after the closing date may be made, in accordance with rule B10 of the Rules of Racing by email to the event organisers.
Amendments to coxswain entries on the day of the race, in accordance with rule B11 of the Rules of Racing should be made at the registration desk in the West Boathouse.

All competitors must possess a Scottish Rowing licence number which is valid on the day of the head race.
Competitors with a British Rowing licence who are members of a club affiliated with British Rowing must register with Scottish Rowing.