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Cotswold Half Way

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Event Disclaimer / Terms and ConditionsT's & C's

I have read and agree to the race rules:


I understand that participating in this event is potentially hazardous, and that I should not enter and participate unless I am medically able and properly trained.

In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I assume full and complete responsibility for any injury or accident which may occur while I am traveling to or from the event, during the event, or while I am on the premises of the event. I also am aware of and assume all risks associated with participating in this event, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, effect of weather, traffic, and conditions of the trail / road.

I have read the Race Brief and Rules for the event I have entered and understand the kit required to be carried for the race and the reason it is required.

I, for myself and my heirs and executors, hereby waive, release and forever discharge the event organisers, Cotswold Trail Events Limited, sponsors, promoters and each of their agents, representatives, successors and assigns, and all other persons associated with the event, for all my liabilities, claims, actions, or damages that I may have against them arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in this event. I understand that this waiver includes any claims, whether caused by negligence, the action or inaction of any of the above parties, or otherwise.

I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the above parties to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, website images, recordings or any other record of this event.



The race is run in accordance with UKA Rules. Unless something below takes precedent, UKA Rules apply.

  1. Stay away if you are ill: Participants must not attend the event if they are suffering from a fever or any flu-like symptoms such as persistent cough or fever.
  2. Have a get-home plan in case you abandon / time out on Saturday: All participants must have someone available to collect them if they abandon during Saturday. We will still do our best to get people to a safe place to wait for collection, such as Painswick RFC. 


Each participant will be issued with a tracker at registration. The tracker must be turned on and with the participant at all times in the event. Passing the tracker to another person is not allowed. 

What3Words: Event officials and medics recommend every participant that carries a smartphone adds the What3Words app to their phone to aid rapid collection in case of emergency. This app is widely used and highly rated by emergency services for providing a precise location into the navigation app of the person who is coming to rescue you. What3Words location details will also be added to the checkpoint information prior to race day to help participants and crews find them. 

Medical support will be available for the whole event, by Challenge First Aid, who specialise in these kinds of events. Their role will be to provide advice and deal with any major/significant issues. You will be expected to utilise your own first aid kit, as it will be your responsibility for minor issues such as general footcare, dealing with blisters etc. 

Runners must follow the course. Any runner deemed to have gained advantage by taking a different route is subject to a time penalty or disqualification; at the discretion of the Race Directors. Runners who find themselves inadvertently off-course should make their way back to the last-known correct position and re-join the course from there. 

Supporters are not allowed to run along with the race. Every year, someone always says, “It’s a public path, you can’t stop me running on it”. That is correct, we cannot stop people running on the path, but we can and will disqualify the runner they are accompanying.

Cut-offs are in place for both safety and organisational purposes. These cut-off times are based on typical slowing patterns from this and other events. Runners who choose to ignore or dispute the cut-off decisions run the risk of continuing without aid station and medical cover and will be invited to refrain from entering future Cotswold Trail Events Ltd events.

Should a runner need to abandon the race, please notify the race HQ or check point staff. If you abandon at a check point, you will be transported eventually back to the finish, but this may take some time. When you abandon, please hand in your race number and race tracker. Obviously, if there is an emergency and you are collected by the emergency services, please make your best effort given the situation to let race officials know what has happened. 

In some cases, photos may be taken of participants, they will, eventually, be made available on the website….but give us time! You are welcome to take your own photos of your participation in the event. 

By taking part in the race, you agree that we may take photos of you participating in the event, that the photos are the property of Cotswold Trail Events Ltd, and may be used for promotional purposes.