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Hospiscare Does Dartmoor in a Day

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Event Website
Event Disclaimer / Terms and ConditionsT's & C's

I accept the following terms for my own entry. I also accept the terms on behalf of any other participants I am entering in this event, all of whom have been provided with a copy of these terms and accept them:

I declare that the information on this form is complete and correct. I understand and agree that I participate in this event at my own risk and that I must rely on my own ability in dealing with all hazards.  I am aware that the function of the marshals is only to indicate direction and that I must decide if the movement is safe. I agree that no liability whatsoever shall be attached to the promoter, promoting club, meeting sponsor(s) or member of the promoting club in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by me on or by reason of the event, however caused.

I consent to publication of my name, club, race category, race number, finishing time and race position in race pre-entry and results lists.


Payments are non-refundable.  Transfer to another event may be possible at the discretion of Climb South West. You will need to contact us in writing. Under normal circumstances, we require a minimum of 4 weeks notice for a deferral to the following year, and a minimum of 2 weeks notice for a 50% credit towards a different event. You may defer only once.


Climb South West’s insurance covers all legal liability of the relevant activity to the clients. It does not cover personal accident or loss where there is no liability on the part of the company.

Clients are therefore strongly advised to take out insurance to cover the risk of personal accident, liability, loss of personal effects and cancellation

Hospiscare cannot be held responsible for any personal injury, accident, loss, damage or public liability whilst taking part in the event

Weather Conditions

We do not anticipate cancelling any events due to the weather but may have to alter routes and activities accordingly. This will be communicated clearly with you. If we are forced to cancel an event due to extreme or life threatening weather, you will be offered a 50% credit towards the same event next year.

Medical Conditions/Special Needs

Participants will need to be physically fit to take part in the activity. Please inform us of any relevant medical conditions or special needs that may affect your involvement in the event.

E Mail and contact details

Your e mail address will only be used for the purposes of communication for this event and future promotional information. You contact details will not shared with any third party apart from the events team at Hospiscare. They might contact you directly with extra details about this event and fundraising. 


Photographs taken by Climb South West and our event photographers will only be used for publicity purposes on our website and social media. 

  • You consent to Hospiscare using any images (photography / video filming) taken at any Dartmoor in a Day event in (but not limited to) print, online, social media and funding applications

  • By sharing images and social media content with Hospiscare, i.e. by tagging Hospiscare or using the event hashtag, participants understand that Hospiscare may share or repost this content