I confirm that I have read the Rules below and will ensure all participants in this entry will be made aware of them:
The event is open to everyone fit enough to do the route chosen and meeting the minimum age requirements.
All entrants under the age of 16 must obtain written permission to participate from their parent or guardian. They must be accompanied throughout the event by a responsible adult participant authorised by their parent or guardian, with no more than four children with one adult.
No accompanying dogs allowed.
No bikes or powered vehicles allowed.
All checkpoints must be visited in the correct sequence.
Participants MUST inform the race organiser if the retire
Race numbers are to be worn visibly throughout the race.
Participants are required to:
Carry a map of the route - provided.
Carry compass and whistle.
Wear suitable clothing for the day and carry spare clothing including full body waterproofs. Checks may be carried out before and during the race.
Carry emergency food.
Observe the country code.
Carry a fully charged mobile phone with its number logged at registration & the event HQ number stored in it
Foil/Emergency Blanket - Ultra Only
Carry a headtorch - Ultra only
A GPS navigation device is highly recomended for the Mountain Marathon & Ultra as parts of the route will not be flagged .