I am over 18years of age by the start of the event. Proof of age may be requested.
I have read, understood and agree with all statements and conditions within event documents and participant waiver.
I understand the nature of the event. I agree that I enter the event at my own risk and take full responsibility for my own safety and actions during the event. I do not hold Ranger Expeditions Ltd., or any of its Directors, employees, support workers, volunteers or agents responsible for any damage or injury sustained to me, my property or any third-party injury caused by me during the event.
I do not have any medical condition that would deem me as a medical risk during the event.
My entry fee includes 50% non-refundable deposit.
If I choose to cancel my entry up to 28 days prior to the event I will be entitled to a refund of 50%
If I cancel my entry less than 28 days prior to the event, or do not attend the event, there are no refunds.
I may transfer my place to another person (within the same event held on the same date and year) up to the day before the event. Ranger Expeditions make no charge for the transfer but you must inform us of this for safety and other reasons. The recipient must also agree to and sign this participation statement and make us aware any medical conditions, allergies, or dietary requirements.
Due to the investment of fees well in advance of the event, deferrals are not allowed.
I accept that in the event of personal injury I will respect the opinions of the Event Organisers and their medical staff if they choose to withdraw me from the event.
I agree to abide to all instructions, directions or decisions given by Ranger Expeditions personnel, during the race and at all checkpoints.
I understand that any abuse or discrimination of any nature towards fellow participants or Ranger Expeditions personnel will result in immediate expulsion (without reimbursement of paid fees) from the event.
I will abide by the countryside codes of practice, close gates after passing through them and not drop litter in any shape or form. I will be respectful to other users of the trail and their rights of way.
Times may be amended during the event to accommodate adverse changes in weather at the discretion of the Event Organisers.
The Event Organisers have complete autonomy during the event and their decision is final.
The Event Organisers will do everything in their power to ensure that the event proceeds as planned.
In the event of adverse or extreme weather, acts of God, natural or man-made disaster the event may be delayed, cancelled or modified. The Event Organisers may modify, change or shorten the route at short notice. This will be notified to participants by the Event Organisers as soon as possible. This may be prior to the event, at the meeting time, or in developing circumstances whilst the event is in progress. The decision will be made by the Event Organisers and the participant will respect any decision made in the interests of safety without complaint or recompense. Refunds or deferrals will not be given for changes to the course.
In the event of the event being cancelled through no fault of the Event Organisers for example: a) Extreme Weather including and not limited to floods, fire, dangerously high winds, natural disasters or acts of God no refund will be offered. Participants will be offered a transfer to a future Ranger Expeditions event of similar nature. b) Man-made factors including and not limited to accidents, countryside incidents such as foot and mouth or any other man-made incident which could stop the race then no refund will be offered. Participants will be offered transfer to a future Ranger Expeditions event of similar nature.